AAAA Hosting feed back comments and suggestions

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AAAA Hosting feed back comments and suggestions

Here you can let us know what you think about AAAA Community hosting and feed back and make suggestions just reply to this thread Smile

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re: AAAA Hosting feed back comments and suggestions

Guys!!! keep up the good work!!!  thankyou the good you work you jon and dave    from =[M.A.W]=CLAN

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Re: AAAA Hosting feed back comments and suggestions

Hellu guys,
Ikm very happy with the server + tcadmin.
got some feedback tho.
(telling from newbies eyes that never seen a server before)
when i do an clean install on tcadmin and go in server the game crashes on southern france all the time and ask for an update.....(unplayable)
maybe an good idea to update the build with the newest patch so newbies dont have the problem of crashing right away after installing.
server.cfg there is the setting friendly fire enabled..... think its not good for public servers
freezetag mod is in the build but when u use gametype 3 its roundbased and not FT.
also the ft settings in server.cfg dont work becease the Server.cfg is executed before User_mefy.... so it will take the settings of the mefy mod.
please try to install a server from noob eyes and try to create an ssimple public ft server.
and try to see it from real newbies eyes Smile.
greets slim

Re: AAAA Hosting feed back comments and suggestions

slim .....the reborn default setup should be the latest patch i got it from x-null downloads !!!!
also all the configs are set up in the build ...if you look in the main there are configs for all gametypes ,
tdm,obj,fttdm, ftobj ...all that is needed is to rcon" exec ftobj" and you have a fully functioning ft obj server
if you only ever want to play ftobj and dont want to change then add to the end of the server cfg " exec ftobj "
save it and upload to the server ......
will look into the patch find out why we dont have the latest version ...