Copying mohaa log files and auto start server

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Copying mohaa log files and auto start server

Hi we wanted to be able to copy server log files after a crash before server auto restarted.

Our problem was our servers run on a dedibox via TCADMIN which is great for auto starts but as their is no method via game config to rename files they are over written and lost.

What we have done is disabled TCADMIN and run our servers via a batch file, which monitors the servers via netstat.

If server crashes - the bat file will copy the log and rename it with date and time stamp and then restart the server.

the code for the bat file is:

@Echo Off


echo Starting MOHAA SERVER at %time% on %date%

rem ********* path of server
CD \xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\
rem ********* server command line start
rem change path and ip of server xx.xx.xx.xx
start /wait MOHAA_server.exe C:\xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\MOHAA_server.exe +set developer 0 +set dedicated 1 +set ui_console 1 +set sv_maxclients 32 +set net_ip xx.xx.xx.xx +set net_port 12209 +exec server.cfg

rem ********** short delay 

timeout 5

Rem ********* copy existing log to new directory

copy "C:\xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\main\qconsole.log" "C:\xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\crashlogs"
cd C:\xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\crashlogs

rem ******** short delay - increase if required
timeout 5

rem ****** date and time no changes required
@echo off
for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set yyyymmdd=%%k%%i%%j
echo Date: %yyyymmdd%
for /F "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%l in ('time /t') do set hhmm=%%l%%m
echo Time: %hhmm%
rem -- or use both
echo %yyyymmdd%%hhmm%

rem ******* rename copy of log to date time stamp

REN C:\xxgames\JOHNB\GameServers\TC53876308814267318465148\crashlogs\qconsole.log pl%yyyymmdd%%hhmm%.txt

echo T - 15

rem******** mohaa server port check for running

netstat -a | find "12209">nul
goto TOP

Just create a bat file and past this in changing path names, IP and ports

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again




