MOHAA Facebook Community

Since the first day of the recent MOHAA-Athon #14 a Facebook group has been created for all the (old) MoH:AA Community members.
In this short time over 1400+ people have already added themselves to the group and introduced themselves.
Some even meet old friends again and it's a good place to share MoH:AA related stuff, as of now it's mostly still people introducing themselves non-stop.

I'd advice you all to add yourselves to the group and introduce yourselves, this will promote old players to return to the battlefield again as well and meet up with other players and finding out their real names as well ofc. Wink

This is the link:!/groups/351315398298780/?bookmark_t=group

MoH:AA Facebook

Hope to see you all there !

Re: MOHAA Facebook Community

Hi shadow how do u do m8
well i read about Mohaa Tutorials and ur fantastic book about mohaa i's very uniqe m8
i would like to show u our Group on Facebook 
we need u to help us there and share with us Happy Mohaa moments 
we are the rest of clean players who plays until now Mohass & Mohaab made a group called we would be very grateful if someone liked this idea and share with us the happy mpments of plays Videos & SS we are try to save ourselves from Extinct  thx for u Laughing out loud

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