Rabbit Mod AA :: Release V4.0

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Rabbit Mod AA :: Release V4.0

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OwN-3m-All, X-null

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Rabbit Version 4

Released: 11/20/2012


Fixed FFA respawn cvar issue
Radar should be more efficient
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rRespawn
new cvar rRealisticTime
new cvar rNumPlayersB4Real
new cvar rJumpMode
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rJumpHeight
Hud bug fixes for when the map is restarted using rcon restart.
FFA Behavior fixes
Rabbit tracker hud fixes (completely rewrote radar mod to suite my needs only when rabbit cvar is on)

About Rabbit:

Rabbit is a new gametype mod for MOHAA. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit for more points.

Rabbit can be run in FFA and TDM modes.

Supported Maps:

All maps with tdm or ffa spawns.

About Video:

Footage of an earlier version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55ca1f
Footage of the earliest version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55857b (much improved since then)

Rabbit In FFA:

In FFA, a random player is initially selected as the Rabbit. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit.

Players may receive points for killing other players, as this is still an FFA mod. However, the player that kills the Rabbit receives additional points over a normal kill. The killer of the Rabbit then becomes the Rabbit.

Rabbit In TDM:

In TDM, the Rabbit plays on the Axis team while everyone else plays on the Allies team. It's truly the Rabbit vs All. The Rabbit kills other players for points and attempts to survive as long as possible for points. Allies attempt to kill the Rabbit for points. When the Rabbit is killed, the player that killed the Rabbit becomes the Rabbit. The Rabbit can gain more points than other players, so you want to become the Rabbit.

Difference Between Rabbit FFA and Rabbit TDM:

In TDM, the rabbit can also have protectors (additional players on Axis who are to protect the rabbit) --- this can help the rabbit from being overwhelmed when a lot of players are playing. Defenders of the Rabbit receive additional points for helping the Rabbit

Turn it On:

set rDefenders 1

Specify the number of defenders that can assist the rabbit (assigned randomly):

set rNumDefenders 4 // 4 players may defend the rabbit


Because the Rabbit will have a tendency to hide, you can turn on the Radar function which will give you general directions on a compass to where the Rabbit can be found.

To turn on the Radar, use the Cvar of:

set radarOn 1


Basically In All Modes:

- Rabbit
1. Stay alive
2. Kill other people

- Players:
1. Kill the rabbit
2. Become the Rabbit


- Latest version of the 1.12 Patch called Reborn. (Download it here: www.x-null.net)
- No conflicting mods (just add exec rabbit/rabbit.scr to your global/dmprecache.scr if you're running other mods)



Put in MOHAA/MAIN on the server: user_rabbit_v1_own3mall.pk3
Upload rabbit.cfg or rabbitdm.cfg to MOHAA/MAIN on the server

Run the mod:

rcon exec rabbit.cfg
rcon exec rabbitdm.cfg


Rename rabbit.cfg to server.cfg and upload to MOHAA\MAIN on server

CVARs and Settings:

set rabbitOn 1 // 1 turns Rabbit on : 0 turns Rabbit off

set rpointskill 2 // Rabbit gets 2 points for each kill : or however many points you specify

set pointsForKillR 2 // Killer of the Rabbit gets 2 points : or however many points you specify

set rcolor "green" // Sets glow color for rabbit Values [blue, green, red, purple, lgreen]

set rpoints 3 // Rabbit will receive this many points after a certain amount of time has passed that he has survived

set rtime 20 // how much time in seconds that a Rabbit needs to survive before given points specified in rpoints cvar

set radarOn 1 // 1 = Sets Radar on : 0 = Radar off for Rabbit

set rTimeProtected 12 // Keeps Rabbit Protected for 12 seconds upon respawn : or however many seconds specified

set rBrightness 300 // How bright the light should be on the Rabbit [Set higher for brighter, lower for decreased brightness] MUST BE GREATER THAN 100 OR YOU WON'T SEE IT

set ffaKillsCount 1 // 1 = Nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players get points : 0 = nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players don’t get a point for kills. [APPLIES TO FFA ONLY]

set rTimeProtected 15 // Rabbit will be spawn protected for 15 seconds : or however many seconds specified

set rLightOn 1 // A light will shine on the Rabbit in TDM to differentiate between other players

set rDefenderPoints 2 // Defenders get 2 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rkpoints 3 // Rabbit gets 3 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rDefenders 1 // Turns on the ability for a certain number of players to help the rabbit : 0 turns this feature off and keeps non-rabbits on the allies team!

set rNumDefenders 4 // Allows 4 players to help the rabbit (players are picked randomly ) This is only a valid setting if there are at least (rNumDefenders.value * 2 + 1) players in the server (in this case 9).

set rDefaultGType 2 // If a map is loaded in objective mode, should rabbit default to FFA or TDM? 1 = FFA and 2 = TDM NoValue = defaults to FFA


set rInformSurvivalPoints "1" // 1 = rabbit is informed when scoring points for surviving a specified number of seconds from the rtime cvar --- 0 = rabbit is not informed

set rRespawn "1" // 1 = Player respawns after becoming the rabbit --- 0 = Player does not respawn after becoming the rabbit

set rRealisticTime "1" // 1 = The time before a rabbit earns points varies on the number of players --- 0 = The time before a rabbit earns points does not vary by players

set rNumPlayersB4Real "8" // Before realistic time kicks in, this many players must be in the server

set rJumpMode "1" // Allows the rabbit to jump higher than normal // Defaults to off if not est to 1

set rJumpHeight "300" // Larger numbers make the rabbit jump higher. Must be greater than the default of 56 -- You need to use a value over 150 to see a difference

My Hopes for This Mod:

This mod is a lot of fun, and makes a great gametype for a full server. Hopefully, someone can make this mod popular. It's pretty cool and fun.


Please post in this thread for help or xfire me: own3mall
Made by OwN-3m-All

Rabbit Version 4

Released: 11/20/2012


Fixed FFA respawn cvar issue
Radar should be more efficient
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rRespawn
new cvar rRealisticTime
new cvar rNumPlayersB4Real
new cvar rJumpMode
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rJumpHeight
Hud bug fixes for when the map is restarted using rcon restart.
FFA Behavior fixes
Rabbit tracker hud fixes (completely rewrote radar mod to suite my needs only when rabbit cvar is on)

About Rabbit:

Rabbit is a new gametype mod for MOHAA. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit for more points.

Rabbit can be run in FFA and TDM modes.

Supported Maps:

All maps with tdm or ffa spawns.

About Video:

Footage of an earlier version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55ca1f
Footage of the earliest version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55857b (much improved since then)

Rabbit In FFA:

In FFA, a random player is initially selected as the Rabbit. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit.

Players may receive points for killing other players, as this is still an FFA mod. However, the player that kills the Rabbit receives additional points over a normal kill. The killer of the Rabbit then becomes the Rabbit.

Rabbit In TDM:

In TDM, the Rabbit plays on the Axis team while everyone else plays on the Allies team. It's truly the Rabbit vs All. The Rabbit kills other players for points and attempts to survive as long as possible for points. Allies attempt to kill the Rabbit for points. When the Rabbit is killed, the player that killed the Rabbit becomes the Rabbit. The Rabbit can gain more points than other players, so you want to become the Rabbit.

Difference Between Rabbit FFA and Rabbit TDM:

In TDM, the rabbit can also have protectors (additional players on Axis who are to protect the rabbit) --- this can help the rabbit from being overwhelmed when a lot of players are playing. Defenders of the Rabbit receive additional points for helping the Rabbit

Turn it On:

set rDefenders 1

Specify the number of defenders that can assist the rabbit (assigned randomly):

set rNumDefenders 4 // 4 players may defend the rabbit


Because the Rabbit will have a tendency to hide, you can turn on the Radar function which will give you general directions on a compass to where the Rabbit can be found.

To turn on the Radar, use the Cvar of:

set radarOn 1


Basically In All Modes:

- Rabbit
1. Stay alive
2. Kill other people

- Players:
1. Kill the rabbit
2. Become the Rabbit


- Latest version of the 1.12 Patch called Reborn. (Download it here: www.x-null.net)
- No conflicting mods (just add exec rabbit/rabbit.scr to your global/dmprecache.scr if you're running other mods)



Put in MOHAA/MAIN on the server: user_rabbit_v1_own3mall.pk3
Upload rabbit.cfg or rabbitdm.cfg to MOHAA/MAIN on the server

Run the mod:

rcon exec rabbit.cfg
rcon exec rabbitdm.cfg


Rename rabbit.cfg to server.cfg and upload to MOHAA\MAIN on server

CVARs and Settings:

set rabbitOn 1 // 1 turns Rabbit on : 0 turns Rabbit off

set rpointskill 2 // Rabbit gets 2 points for each kill : or however many points you specify

set pointsForKillR 2 // Killer of the Rabbit gets 2 points : or however many points you specify

set rcolor "green" // Sets glow color for rabbit Values [blue, green, red, purple, lgreen]

set rpoints 3 // Rabbit will receive this many points after a certain amount of time has passed that he has survived

set rtime 20 // how much time in seconds that a Rabbit needs to survive before given points specified in rpoints cvar

set radarOn 1 // 1 = Sets Radar on : 0 = Radar off for Rabbit

set rTimeProtected 12 // Keeps Rabbit Protected for 12 seconds upon respawn : or however many seconds specified

set rBrightness 300 // How bright the light should be on the Rabbit [Set higher for brighter, lower for decreased brightness] MUST BE GREATER THAN 100 OR YOU WON'T SEE IT

set ffaKillsCount 1 // 1 = Nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players get points : 0 = nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players don’t get a point for kills. [APPLIES TO FFA ONLY]

set rTimeProtected 15 // Rabbit will be spawn protected for 15 seconds : or however many seconds specified

set rLightOn 1 // A light will shine on the Rabbit in TDM to differentiate between other players

set rDefenderPoints 2 // Defenders get 2 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rkpoints 3 // Rabbit gets 3 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rDefenders 1 // Turns on the ability for a certain number of players to help the rabbit : 0 turns this feature off and keeps non-rabbits on the allies team!

set rNumDefenders 4 // Allows 4 players to help the rabbit (players are picked randomly ) This is only a valid setting if there are at least (rNumDefenders.value * 2 + 1) players in the server (in this case 9).

set rDefaultGType 2 // If a map is loaded in objective mode, should rabbit default to FFA or TDM? 1 = FFA and 2 = TDM NoValue = defaults to FFA


set rInformSurvivalPoints "1" // 1 = rabbit is informed when scoring points for surviving a specified number of seconds from the rtime cvar --- 0 = rabbit is not informed

set rRespawn "1" // 1 = Player respawns after becoming the rabbit --- 0 = Player does not respawn after becoming the rabbit

set rRealisticTime "1" // 1 = The time before a rabbit earns points varies on the number of players --- 0 = The time before a rabbit earns points does not vary by players

set rNumPlayersB4Real "8" // Before realistic time kicks in, this many players must be in the server

set rJumpMode "1" // Allows the rabbit to jump higher than normal // Defaults to off if not est to 1

set rJumpHeight "300" // Larger numbers make the rabbit jump higher. Must be greater than the default of 56 -- You need to use a value over 150 to see a difference

My Hopes for This Mod:

This mod is a lot of fun, and makes a great gametype for a full server. Hopefully, someone can make this mod popular. It's pretty cool and fun.


Please post in this thread for help or xfire me: own3mall
Made by OwN-3m-All

Rabbit Version 4

Released: 11/20/2012


Fixed FFA respawn cvar issue
Radar should be more efficient
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rRespawn
new cvar rRealisticTime
new cvar rNumPlayersB4Real
new cvar rJumpMode
new cvar rInformSurvivalPoints
new cvar rJumpHeight
Hud bug fixes for when the map is restarted using rcon restart.
FFA Behavior fixes
Rabbit tracker hud fixes (completely rewrote radar mod to suite my needs only when rabbit cvar is on)

About Rabbit:

Rabbit is a new gametype mod for MOHAA. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit for more points.

Rabbit can be run in FFA and TDM modes.

Supported Maps:

All maps with tdm or ffa spawns.

About Video:

Footage of an earlier version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55ca1f
Footage of the earliest version: http://beta.xfire.com/videos/55857b (much improved since then)

Rabbit In FFA:

In FFA, a random player is initially selected as the Rabbit. The Rabbit is a specially marked player that can gain a higher number of points than normal by killing other players while attempting to survive. After a certain amount of time, a rabbit is awarded additional points for surviving for as long as he did. When a player reaches the fraglimit score, the round is over, and the player with the most points wins. A non-Rabbit player should attempt to kill the rabbit to become the Rabbit.

Players may receive points for killing other players, as this is still an FFA mod. However, the player that kills the Rabbit receives additional points over a normal kill. The killer of the Rabbit then becomes the Rabbit.

Rabbit In TDM:

In TDM, the Rabbit plays on the Axis team while everyone else plays on the Allies team. It's truly the Rabbit vs All. The Rabbit kills other players for points and attempts to survive as long as possible for points. Allies attempt to kill the Rabbit for points. When the Rabbit is killed, the player that killed the Rabbit becomes the Rabbit. The Rabbit can gain more points than other players, so you want to become the Rabbit.

Difference Between Rabbit FFA and Rabbit TDM:

In TDM, the rabbit can also have protectors (additional players on Axis who are to protect the rabbit) --- this can help the rabbit from being overwhelmed when a lot of players are playing. Defenders of the Rabbit receive additional points for helping the Rabbit

Turn it On:

set rDefenders 1

Specify the number of defenders that can assist the rabbit (assigned randomly):

set rNumDefenders 4 // 4 players may defend the rabbit


Because the Rabbit will have a tendency to hide, you can turn on the Radar function which will give you general directions on a compass to where the Rabbit can be found.

To turn on the Radar, use the Cvar of:

set radarOn 1


Basically In All Modes:

- Rabbit
1. Stay alive
2. Kill other people

- Players:
1. Kill the rabbit
2. Become the Rabbit


- Latest version of the 1.12 Patch called Reborn. (Download it here: www.x-null.net)
- No conflicting mods (just add exec rabbit/rabbit.scr to your global/dmprecache.scr if you're running other mods)



Put in MOHAA/MAIN on the server: user_rabbit_v1_own3mall.pk3
Upload rabbit.cfg or rabbitdm.cfg to MOHAA/MAIN on the server

Run the mod:

rcon exec rabbit.cfg
rcon exec rabbitdm.cfg


Rename rabbit.cfg to server.cfg and upload to MOHAA\MAIN on server

CVARs and Settings:

set rabbitOn 1 // 1 turns Rabbit on : 0 turns Rabbit off

set rpointskill 2 // Rabbit gets 2 points for each kill : or however many points you specify

set pointsForKillR 2 // Killer of the Rabbit gets 2 points : or however many points you specify

set rcolor "green" // Sets glow color for rabbit Values [blue, green, red, purple, lgreen]

set rpoints 3 // Rabbit will receive this many points after a certain amount of time has passed that he has survived

set rtime 20 // how much time in seconds that a Rabbit needs to survive before given points specified in rpoints cvar

set radarOn 1 // 1 = Sets Radar on : 0 = Radar off for Rabbit

set rTimeProtected 12 // Keeps Rabbit Protected for 12 seconds upon respawn : or however many seconds specified

set rBrightness 300 // How bright the light should be on the Rabbit [Set higher for brighter, lower for decreased brightness] MUST BE GREATER THAN 100 OR YOU WON'T SEE IT

set ffaKillsCount 1 // 1 = Nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players get points : 0 = nonrabbit players killing other nonrabbit players don’t get a point for kills. [APPLIES TO FFA ONLY]

set rTimeProtected 15 // Rabbit will be spawn protected for 15 seconds : or however many seconds specified

set rLightOn 1 // A light will shine on the Rabbit in TDM to differentiate between other players

set rDefenderPoints 2 // Defenders get 2 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rkpoints 3 // Rabbit gets 3 points per kill : or however many points you specify

set rDefenders 1 // Turns on the ability for a certain number of players to help the rabbit : 0 turns this feature off and keeps non-rabbits on the allies team!

set rNumDefenders 4 // Allows 4 players to help the rabbit (players are picked randomly ) This is only a valid setting if there are at least (rNumDefenders.value * 2 + 1) players in the server (in this case 9).

set rDefaultGType 2 // If a map is loaded in objective mode, should rabbit default to FFA or TDM? 1 = FFA and 2 = TDM NoValue = defaults to FFA


set rInformSurvivalPoints "1" // 1 = rabbit is informed when scoring points for surviving a specified number of seconds from the rtime cvar --- 0 = rabbit is not informed

set rRespawn "1" // 1 = Player respawns after becoming the rabbit --- 0 = Player does not respawn after becoming the rabbit

set rRealisticTime "1" // 1 = The time before a rabbit earns points varies on the number of players --- 0 = The time before a rabbit earns points does not vary by players

set rNumPlayersB4Real "8" // Before realistic time kicks in, this many players must be in the server

set rJumpMode "1" // Allows the rabbit to jump higher than normal // Defaults to off if not est to 1

set rJumpHeight "300" // Larger numbers make the rabbit jump higher. Must be greater than the default of 56 -- You need to use a value over 150 to see a difference

My Hopes for This Mod:

This mod is a lot of fun, and makes a great gametype for a full server. Hopefully, someone can make this mod popular. It's pretty cool and fun.


Please post in this thread for help or xfire me: own3mall
Made by OwN-3m-All
