I have been sent an email by serverwatch saying I have cheat

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I have been sent an email by serverwatch saying I have cheat

Hi - if you receive an email from server watch (you should have added your email to the set up its on the main screen of SW anticheat client- remember to do a "file save setup" once you have added)

The email will list all the files it is not happy with - these may include a lot of maps - WHY ?

Well it checks every file in MOHAA directory as well as main, we have added all the popular map packs and scanned all files but maps of the same name can come from different sources and may have been modded. Does this mean they are cheat maps - NO but as their are hundreds of maps we can not check them all.

As with DMW the best thing to do is to have a Default main and then add the things you are allowed depending on which clan server you are on.

After removing all your reported maps / files / mods for COH and BAK servers, this single pack will cover all the maps used - Sunday custom maps for COH are added on a seperate download and these are added to SW


Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again




