AAAA Second Dedi box

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AAAA Second Dedi box

Hi all I am pleased to annonce that we have just order a second Dedicated server - this will be a big costing overhead for AAAA until will get more clans on board but I have had a couple of clans waiting on extra servers but I did not want to risk exceeding capacity on our existing box so I will be covering costs on second box until we get more on board.

As long as we get close to covering base cost I dont mind - for the clans onboard already I speak to you individually as it will be in your own interest to mover at least one of your servers to the new box to scope in some disaster recover incase we loose one box for a short period of time........

The second box will have a Disaster plan on it..........

It will have an emergency TS3 server for clans hosted and all the clans servers will have backups on both sides so if we loose one box you will still have a backup copy of your server setup

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re second server

I have been advised that this new server is being racked and installed this morning Wink

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again






Re Second AAAA server

GD have now handed server over to me so I am in the process of setting this up.....

The new server will not be controlled by TCADMIN this saves AAAA a License and to be honest with out I could not have got a second server............

The solution to this is Scapp NET and Scapp Watchdog - An end clan will not loose any function they had on TCADMIN and to be honest most of our outages have been a result of TCADMIN......

So some brief info..........

You will still get a standard FTP access to manage files on the server..........this id and pass will be the same as your Scapp id and pass.

Can I stop and start my server - yes and with the added feature of having logfiles renamed and kept in the event of crash / problem............

Joto is still finishing this off but will be very soon and this will not stop us from launching server already requsted........

As a result of this AAAA will be donating to Scapp as we could not have done this with out his help.

For this not familar with Scapp I will produce more docs and instructions because Scapp net is also an admin tool with a lot more features for helping to mange multi servers for clans..........

Happy shooting - Kill em ALL and kill em again




